• Key Terminology

    Automated decisions means that we sometimes make decisions without any human interaction involved. It may involve automatic pricing based on the processed data, or automatic payment of compensation based on the provided information. We will inform you before fully automated decisions are applied if these affect you to a significant extent.

    Personal data: personal data is every kind of information that can be directly or indirectly attributed to a living, natural physical person such as the latter’s name, personal ID number, booking number and IP number where such information can be linked to a physical person.

    Personal data controller: the personal data controller is an administrator who, alone or together with others determines the purpose and means of processing personal data.

    Profiling: When personal data is used to evaluate personal characteristics, analyse or make predictions concerning various matters.

    The European Economic Area (the EU member states and Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein).

    Sensitive personal data (special categories of personal data): These are categories of personal data that disclose race or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical conviction, membership of a trade union, the processing of genetic data, biometric data to unequivocally identify a physical person, data concerning health, physical person's sexuality or sexual preference.